Barry’s Bootcamp Update: 3.5 Months


Outfit c/o Soul Cycle
Photo by Laurel Creative.

Happy Tuesday y’all! Today I’m sharing a long overdue Barry’s Bootcamp update after about 3.5 months of (mostly) consecutively going to class 3-4 times a week. Full disclosure: I’ve been putting off this post because I was really really bad with going throughout the month of December. At the beginning of December was really when my Plantars Fasciitis began to kick in, the cold was miserable at 5:45am, and I was just looking towards the holiday and my Mexico Christmas that I genuinely didn’t feel as motivated. Looking back now I’m kind of beating myself up about it, but there’s only one way to go from here and that’s up!

I did finally weigh myself, and I’m about six pounds less than what I was when I weighed myself back in September when I first started. I’ve definitely started to notice changes in my body based off of my body type, too. For instance, my hips are gaining more muscle so while my waist may be shrinking over time, my hips are slowly growing and my size in jeans is fluctuating. I used to be a solid 27, but now with my thighs and hips I’m more towards a 29-30 but the waist will be too big. So confusing! I’m still proud of my progress and plan to continue with Barry’s throughout the new year. I will say that I think they’re amping up their classes now to ween out the class pass-ers that don’t plan to stick with just Barry’s because the first few classes I’ve taken in 2019 have been so brutal.

Below I’m answering FAQs and questions that I polled back in December that you guys wanted answered! Feel free to reach out should you have any more questions and check back next month for what I hope is a bigger update! Have a great day and thanks for reading!


3.5 Months Progress

Do you still like it? I’m not going to lie, it’s not that I don’t like it but I don’t wake up excited to go. The cold really does take a toll on my motivation even if I am only going a block away. I’ve taken a few sculpting and boxing classes and I can definitely say I like Barry’s more than those because you burn more calories.

What do you wear during the cold weather for work outs? Since I’m only literally a block away from my studio, I just wear THIS fluffy sweatshirt over my normal work out clothes. On Sunday’s I’ve been going to the upper east side studio so then I’ll wear a jacket over (puffer or something heavier). They have free lockers to store everything which is nice!

Do you have any instructors you recommend? Absolutely! I took a class with Michael Puglise one morning because he was subbing and I immediately fell in love with his class. He keeps it fun, challenging, but real. Some of the instructors can be so harsh especially at 6am. Mike teaches mainly at the upper east side studio which I try to go to on Sunday’s. I also like Charlie’s class at the Park Ave South location.

Is it worth the money? Honestly any class or membership minus a few gyms will cost a pretty penny in New York City, so I completely think Barry’s is worth every cent (as long as you don’t skip, because a no show fee is $20). If I push myself in one class I can run anywhere from 3-5 miles depending on the intervals. If I go to the gym for an hour on my own I’d only run one mile and do abs.

Do you think you’ll continue doing Barry’s Bootcamp? As far as I know right now, I fully plan to continue Barry’s. Not only does a morning class help me start my day on the right foot, but I’m at the point where I’m seeing results and that part is such an adrenaline rush. I’ll likely re-evaluate down the road this year based on finances but as of now I’m budgeting for it.

Do you learn workouts that you could take away from Barry’s to your own gym? Absolutely. I reached out to Mike for a good treadmill interval to do over the holiday breaks (which I reluctantly did maybe 3x but that’s better than nothing) and there are a few moves I could take away and do on my own. I don’t think I’d push myself as hard on my own or do them as fast, but you definitely could!

What’s your workout schedule? For 2019 I’m aiming to go on Sunday’s to take Mike’s class, especially now that football is over. Then I try to go on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If I schedule a shoot before work it’s usually on a Wednesday or Thursday so I’ll try to supplement with a Friday class. I’m not a huge fan of full body day because I like the targeted area days but everything counts!