Wine Dress+Leather Leggings











Happy Tuesday y’all! I’m back after a crazy great weekend in NYC, just in time to prepare for finals and wrap up the remainder of the semester. I’m really trying not to fall behind in the blogging world over the next two weeks, but we all know how that goes when you get swamped all at once! I spent yesterday getting caught up on emails and planning posts, but hoping to stick to my schedule and stay on top of things! I typically try to start my school semester out strong, but I’ve had such a bad case of senioritis and now I’m finding myself studying lots more than previous years! Let me know if you want to hear my tips for studying!

Today I’m sharing this adorable long sleeved wine dress from Chicwish. Yes, it is a dress but if you’re over 5’10 like I am then it’s going to be a trendy tunic on you! Because I’m so tall I added leather leggings to this dress and it makes the cutest top too! It’s the perfect color for this time of year and also comes in an additional color! I added leather leggings due to the length, but these give such a great layer of warmth for those colder days! Luckily when I was in the city it was warmer than it is in Norman but once you hit a shadow or nightfall it got chilly quick! I wore these leggings nonstop and they’re the greatest. I added one of my recent favorite necklaces for this holiday season that has black tassels and pearls! It matched perfectly with my Daniel Wellington watch where you can snag 15% off using the code kayleighskloset15 at check out! It makes the perfect, timeless gift for a loved one! What do y’all think? Have a great day and thanks for reading!

Chicwish Wine Dress ℅ // Leather leggings // OTK Boots ℅ ASOS (Product Code: 652442) // Bauble Bar Necklace