Insta Lately: Fall Edition

Happy Wednesday y’all! With it being the beginning of October and fall in general I wanted to do a huge Insta round up today to give details on where I’ve been snagging all of my pre-fall/fall gear! For those who aren’t fond of different emails to your inbox, this is a great way to see outfit details and exact links to shop the items that I’m posting to Instagram daily! I highly recommend you sign up once at because then you’ll receive emails with ready-to-shop links for the products in my (or any other users) Insatgrams! You can also find my LTKI feed here to see more.












I’ve been struggling so much lately to remain caught up in both the blogger and real world, and while I still haven’t mastered the art of a set sleep schedule, work life, blog life and play life, I feel like I’ll get there eventually! One of the biggest struggles has been getting content to post daily, so definitely plan to see more posts like these with different details for lots of things! Do you have anything specific you’d like to see? I’m working on starting up my YouTube channel again, I recently bought a vlogging camera but the security guard checking my bag at Global Citizen’s Festival dropped my lense and now it’s broken. Bummer, right?! I hadn’t even had it a month! I took it into Best Buy and the technician said it would end up costing less to just buy another lense, and that ended up costing me 2/3 as much as the camera! Such a headache. Moral of the story: don’t let people checking your bags at music festivals touch expensive equipment, and that may sound crazy but it would be MUCH better than having to pay for another item, trust me. But on a different note I would LOVE to hear from y’all on what you would like to see on Kayleigh’s Kloset next! I have always wanted to showcase New York more, but I just don’t know exactly what everyone would be interested in seeing. Thanks for reading y’all, have a great day!

\n\nHappy Wednesday y\'all! With it being", url: shareurl, });"Nobs: Successful share"); } catch(err) { console.warn("Nobs: Error sharing", error); } }); }); } });