Apartment Refresh: Spring/Summer Home Decor


Happy Monday y’all and Happy first day of April! Seriously, where on Earth has the time gone in 2019?! I feel like it was just yesterday I was moving into my apartment, and now it marks another year in this one and almost three years in my building. Now that I’ve been in this unit for a year, I know what’s been working and what hasn’t been. I’ve moved everything around millions of times and have spent ample time refreshing throughout the year. With spring here and summer rapidly approaching, I’ve been looking at ways to refresh my apartment decor for the season. I’ve been dying to move things around, and may actually do so in the coming weeks just to switch it up. I always love adding boho elements for spring/summer, and I’ve been wanting to get fake plants for awhile now. Recently I’ve been on a chandelier kick, wanting to switch out my ugly light fixtures!

Below I’m linking up everything I currently have my eye on to refresh my apartment. What do y’all think? Have a great day and thanks for reading!

\n\nHappy Monday y\'all and Happy first day", url: shareurl, }); console.info("Nobs: Successful share"); } catch(err) { console.warn("Nobs: Error sharing", error); } }); }); } });