Amazon Prime Day 2019: What I Have & What I’m Buying


Happy Monday y’all! I’m spending my day off running around Houston again with my mom before I jump on a plane back to New York tonight. It’s been so nice to be home, but I know I have a busy week ahead with work and the blog, so I’m ready to get home, get settled and get back into my routine. Luckily, I have a ton of food I’ve prepped/frozen over the past couple of weeks in preparation for week’s like this. ALSO, my friend Lauren from The Fashionista’s Diary and Shop Aria Rose has decided to challenge her followers to hold each other accountable and work out 4/5 of the days this week – so I’m taking her up on this and plan to try to work out Tuesday through Friday! I’ll share more on IG stories so be sure to follow along HERE. LASTLY, there’s a great giveaway going live tonight so definitely be sure to follow.

Of course I decided to do a no-spend month when all of these great sales hit… BUT today is another great sale for everyone because today and tomorrow is Amazon Prime Day where exclusive deals happen for Amazon Prime Users. Amazon Prime is a God-send for anyone, especially New Yorkers considering you can have everything delivered to your door in two days or less. We use Amazon Prime for work all of the time too, and it’s amazing what all you can find on Amazon nowadays.

What I Have:
Ninja Coffee Bar. Something I snagged during Black Friday, this is one of my favorite items in my kitchen. It has so many cool aspects to make different lattes or normal coffee, and it comes with a recipe book.

A weighted blanket. I love my weighted blanket, especially when my anxiety is heightened in the winter. Definitely a must to get while it’s discounted.

My copper water bottle. I use this every work out and absolutely love it.

My swing! I love my macrame swing that lives on my patio. It gets all the use on Sundays when we spritz.

My bar cart! While bar carts aren’t as trendy as they used to be back when I was in college, mine is currently on sale today.

Amazon Alexa Echo. I keep mine in my room to play music, tell me the weather or time. It’s perfect for everyone and makes a great gift!

What I Want:
An Instant Pot. I still avidly use my crockpot about once a week, and I’ve had my eye on an Instant Pot for awhile and now may pull the trigger!

An Air Fryer. This I think I may break no-spend July for. You can cook veggies, meats, and proteins in this thing and it cuts time down too!

A Rumba Vacuum. I may hold off on this one, but my parent’s rumba really does help keep the place tidy while away!

A Dyson Fan. Dyson is currently on sale, and it’s the perfect time to grab something from the brand since they are so pricey. I’ve heard great things about the Dyson fan and my apartment gets hot like hades in the summertime.

-A new scale. I broke mine (lol) awhile back and literally never weigh myself so this can help me stay on track for my wellness goals.

What do y’all think? Are you shopping Prime Day this go-around? Have a great day and thanks for reading!

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