Balloon Sleeve Sweater

Photos by Laurel Creative.

Happy Wednesday y’all! What a week it has been (even though I say that every week!). I swear that January drags on and February always flies by. I can’t believe it’ll be March this weekend! I’ve really been struggling to balance everything the last few weeks with my birthday, travel, and literally madness at work. I truly hope I’ll get back into some sort of a routine soon but I feel like this is another thing I say a ton.

Today I wanted to share an easy casual outfit for winter – and one of my all time favorite sweaters. At the end of the year y’all asked for more casual content and this is about as casual as it gets for my wardrobe! Since my work attire is very casual, I usually can be found wearing a sweater and jeans with some sort of comfy boot/bootie. This sweater with balloon sleeves is the cutest and it’s actually SO thick so it stays super warm on those colder days (which I feel like we’ve been having absolutely none of!!). This high waisted pair of jeans is my absolute FAVORITE pair I’m actually about to order another pair. What do y’all think? Have a great day and thanks for reading!

\nPhotos by Laurel", url: shareurl, });"Nobs: Successful share"); } catch(err) { console.warn("Nobs: Error sharing", error); } }); }); } });